Saturday, April 7, 2007

April 4 Readings

Luke 8.4-21 with Commentaries, verse by verse
This is the parable of the sower (Luke 8.4-15; Matthew 13.2-23; Mark 4.1-20). There are many ways to look at this parables. The things in the story that remain constant is the sower and the seed! That is God the Holy Spirit who plant the seed (the word of God). The factor that is not constant is the soil. The soil is the condition of the human heart. The soil vary from being hard to being very receptive. Regardless, the Holy Spirit sows the Word into our hearts. Jesus let in verse 8 "He who has ears to hear, let them hear."
Here is a synoptic version of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke combined together).

Jesus talk about a lamp on a stand (Matthew 5.15). The Christian life is a light, you cannot hide a light in darkness. You cannot help but notice the light in darkness. We had a power black out recently, it was getting dark. It was amazing that even one little candle or the use of a flashlight could help us that nght until the electic power was restored.

Jesus' brothers and mother came to see him. They could not get near to them, He said that His mother are brothers are those who hear God's word and put it into practice.
Let us be careul not to be hung up on veneration of the Virgin Mary but remember that she obeyed God and was blessed for being Jesus.

">IVP Commentary on Luke 8

Links to Commentaries and other References - Luke

Bible Study Tools
Jesus Saves
How to Become a Christian

This Posting is NOT a commentary of the passages read today but it is a devotional. Please send a comment if something spoke to you today from the passages, links or thoughts that I have shared with you.

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