Saturday, April 7, 2007

April 5 Readings

Today's Readings Luke 8.26-56

Luke 8 with Commentaries, verse by verse
Luke 8.22-25; Matthew 8.23-27; Mark 4.36-41
Jesus wanted to go on the other side of the lake. Because of the geographical location of the Sea of Galilee, storms would oftne form. They got into a boat and started to sail to the other side. Compare Jesus with the apostles when the storm brewed. Jesus was asleep and had faith in God while the disciples were panicking and lacking faith. What can we learn from this? Jesus had compete trust in God that he was even sleeping during the storm. In the storms of life and there are guaranteed to be many, we can weather them when we have the faith to deal with them.

The Healing of Legion (Luke 8.26-37; Mark 5.1-20)
Legion was a demon-possessed man in the area of Gerasenes, in a Gentile area. He had walked around naked and had chains which he broke frequently. He asked Jesus 'What do you want with me, Jesus, son of the Most High.' Actually it was the demons questioning Him. Jesus asked him 'What is your name?' He said Legion because of the many demons living in him. The demons had asked Jesus permission to go into a herds of pigs nearby and they rushed down the steep bank by the lake and drowned. The townspeople were filled with fear and ran and told everyone in the town. They asked Jesus to leave. It seems that they would have been perfectly happy having Legion remained the way he was. Are we like those townspeople? Would we rather that Jesus did not come in and change things? Are we perfectly happy the way we are? Is there a stronghold in our life, an addiction that we cannot let go? Jesus came to cure that addiction or remove that stronghold in your life. He can heal you just like how he healed Legion.
Legion wanted to leave that town. Jesus told that he should stay there and to tell what God had done for him. Sometimes God wants you to be where you are. He wants you to be faithful as a witness to Him. Do you realize that you could reach people other Christians or ministers or missionaries could never reach? Why? Because God wants to use you as His witness.

Luke 8.40=56; Matthew 9.18-26; Mark 5.22-43
Two miracles took place in today's passage. One had to do with the resurrection of Jairus' daughter a little girl, and the other had to do with the healing of the woman with the issue of the blood. On the way to Jairus' house, Jesus and his disciples passed this woman. She was in a very desperate situation. She has been ill for 12 years, and spent most of her money on physicians to healed this issue of blood. She was running out of money but even worse because of her issue of blood and the Law, she was ostracized from society as a whole. She might as well be a leper! She thought to herself if she touched Him she would be healed. The crowd was pressing against Jesus and she touched Him! He turned around and said who touched Me? Now the disciples thought that was a ridiculous question because the crowds were pressing in on Him from every direction. Jesus said that all the power left Him. He turned to the woman and said that her faith healed her.

When Jesus reached Jairus' house he aid that the girl was sleeping and not dead. He should know, He is the Resurrection and the Life. He raised the girl from the dead.

In Luke 9.3-5; Matthew 10.9-15; Mark 6.8-11 Jesus called the Twelve and gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases and to preach the Kingdom of God. He told them not to bring anything for the journey, no staff, bag nor bread, money nor tunic. He want on to say that they should stay at people's houses where hospitality is shown and if hospitality is not shown, they are to shake the dust off their feet. How does this apply to us today? we should have the attitude and the spirit that the disciples have. WE should have the motivation and the zeal to serve the Lord, we should focus on the wealth of God's Kingdom rather than on the things of the world (Colossians 3).

">IVP Commentary on Luke 8

Links to Commentaries and other References - Luke

Bible Study Tools
Jesus Saves
How to Become a Christian

This Posting is NOT a commentary of the passages read today but it is a devotional. Please send a comment if something spoke to you today from the passages, links or thoughts that I have shared with you.

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